Me, jumping from a plane

Joona-Pekka Kokko


  • Architect software
    • from concept to implementation
    • to implement and manage business processes
      • and integrate enterprise applications, such as BPM and accounting software
    • maintain production C#, F#, Python, JavaScript, C++ codebases
  • Have some bits and pieces up in
  • Do
    • work with various infrastructure solutions, tools and platforms
      • such as SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, RabbitMQ, MassTransit, Akka.NET, etc.
    • code reviews
      • with the help of tools such as Upsource, NDepend, Gource etc.
    • cyclic software development
      • with automated test and build processes.
  • Study
    • CS literature
  • Am interested in
    • (just-in-time) compilation, decompilation, (static) code analysis, program analysis
    • garbage collection
    • programming languages
  • Read & Listen
    • a plethora of podcasts
    • science fiction
  • Swim
  • Enjoy
    • bitter and stout